International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 8 (May, 1998): 19-20 < prev | toc | next >  

Bibliografia Gramsciana: The Second Supplement

John M. Cammett

A first combined edition of the Bibliografia gramsciana appeared in June, 1996. Its location on the Web or Internet was and continues to be: The introduction to that edition contains much information of continuing importance. It will not be repeated here but it may be found on the Web. The Combined Edition included both the original Bibliografia gramsciana, 1922-1988 published in 1991 and the Supplement which appeared in 1995. It comprised some 10,350 entries of publications in 33 languages on the life and thought of Antonio Gramsci.

This second Supplement, completed in September, 1997, includes an additional 1175 entries in a dozen languages so that the new total is greater than 11,500. Except for a private printing of a few hard copies, this new supplement will only be available on the Web.

In addition to the 1175 new emtries, this updated version of "Resources on Gramsci" includes several important additions. Among them are the IGS Newsletter #7 of May 1997. We wish to thank Joseph Buttigieg for his splendid work in editing this number as well as all the earlier issues.

Several readers suggested that some introductory material on Gramsci be included on this Web "page" for those who know little of his life and work. I thought it best to provide essays in both Italian and English. For the Italian, I have used a first-rate concise biographical sketch by our own Valentino Gerratana, President of the IGS. It first appeared in the 1992 supplement of the Enciclopedia italiana. For English readers, Frank Rosengarten supplied an excellent sketch of about the same length.

Another new feature of this supplement is the inclusion, under a separate rubric, of "A Bibliography of the Works of Antonio Gramsci: Publications of His Writings in 27 Languages." An earlier edition of this appeared in the IGS Newsletter #5 of November 1995. This version is considerably longer and was revised in June 1997.

This supplement could not have been completed without the aid of many other persons. Essential to it was the continuing support of the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci, especially from its [END PAGE 19] Director, Giuseppe Vacca, and from my colleague Maria Luisa Righi. I also received extraordinary help from several individuals with regard to new titles in specific languages: Satoe Kawakami for Japanese, Carlos Nelson Coutinho for Portuguese, and Irina Grigor'eva for Russian. A young researcher in Rome, Francesco Giasi, supplied me with about fifty titles in Italian from the 1950s and 1960s--years for which items are still unavailable in electronic databases. Please note that 689 of the 1175 new titles are in Italian. At least half of these items, many from 1996 and 1997, were compiled by Guido Liguori. The lists were first published in several numbers of the IGS Newsletter and then transferred here. Critical technical assistance was provided by Professor Dean Savage of Queens College (CUNY). I wish to thank everyone for their indispensable help.   ^ return to top ^ < prev | toc | next >