International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 12 (February, 2002): 43-49
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Gramsci Bibliography: Recent Publications

During the past year a number of publications related to Gramsci have been sent to us or brought to our attention by members of the International Gramsci Society. We are providing here a description of these publications. See also the bibliographical update by Guido Liguori in a separate section of this issue.

Antonio Gramsci. Cadernos do cárcere. Volume 4. Edited by Carlos Nelson Coutinho with Marco Aurélio Nogueira and Luiz Sérgio Henriques (Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2001).
The new Portuguese translation and thoroughly annotated edition of the Prison Notebooks will consist of six volumes. Volume 4 is divided into three sections. The first section contains Notebooks 16 and 26 (both of which Gramsci devoted to "Cultural Issues") and notes scattered in various notebooks that deal with cultural questions. The second section is devoted to Notebook 20 (on Catholic Action, the Catholic integralists, the Jesuits and the Modernists). It also gathers together other notes that deal with the Catholic Church, religion, Vatican politics, etc. The third section of this volume is entitled "Americanismo e fordismo" and is made up of Notebook 22 and a collection of other notes devoted to the same topic.

[In Japanese] Selections from the Writings of Antonio Gramsci. Edited by Kaoru Katagiri (Tokyo: Heibonsha Library, 2001)
This anthology contains selections from all of Gramsci's writings, including the letters from prison, which are preceded by an introductory essay on "Gramsci's Method." The selections are arranged in five sections, each of which is divided into five parts:

Section I: The Perception of History: Past and present; War of Position and War of Manoeuvre; Passive Revolution; Analysis of the Situation; Pessimism of the Intelligence

Section II: The Concept of a Future Society: Politics-Morals-Culture; "La Città Futura"; "Ordine Nuovo"; Americanism and Fordism; The Ethics of New Gender Relations.

Sectiion III: The Expansion of the Political Field: Philosophy-Politics-Economics; Historical Bloc; The Question of the State; Intellectuals; Political Economy

Section IV: On the Basis of Popular Culture: Common Sense-Religion-Science- Philosophy; Popular Culture; The Language Question; Subaltern Social Groups; Philosophy of Praxis

Section V: The Formation of the Subject: Optimism of the Will; Hegemony; The Modern Prince; The Formation of the Human Being; Superceding the Ancestors.


Counter-Hegemony (no. 5/6, 2001). This special issue of Counter-Hegemony, edited by Jeremy Lester, reproduces in its entirety the first performance of The Theatre of Living Ideas that was held at the Red Lion public house in central London on Friday, 2 March 2001. The three act performance/debate was devoted to the question: "Is History on the Side of Socialism?" The performance was directed by Jeremy Lester and featured Vladimir Lenin (Aleksandr Buzgalin), Leon Trotsky (Savas Mikhail Matsas), Antonio Gramsci (Joseph Buttigieg), and Walter Benjamin (Michael Löwy).

Introduction to the Theatre of Living Ideas
Act I ~ Legacies
Act 2 ~ (Self) Critiques
Act 3 ~ Prospects and Perspectives

Gramsci: 100 anos. A special issue of the journal Educação em Foco, vol 5, no 2 Setembro/Fevereiro 2000/2001) which is the official organ of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil.
Joseph A. Buttigieg: O método de Gramsci
Guido Liguori: O pensamento de Gramsci na época da mundialização
Roberto Finelli: As contradições da subjetividade: Americanismo e fordismo em Gramsci
Domenico Losurdo: Com Gramsci, além de marx e além de Gramsci
Lea Durante: Gramsci e os perigos do cosmopolitismo
Fabio Frosini: Filosofia e utopia nos Cadernos do Cárcere. Hegel-Marx-Croce
Marco Aurélio Nogueira: Gramsci desembalsamado: em tomo do abusos do conceito de sociedade Civil

Dora Kanoussi (ed.). Gramsci en America (México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés, 2000).
The contents of this volume are based on the papers that were delivered at the Second International Conference of Gramscian Studies (organized by IGS-Mexico) that was held in Puebla, Mexico during the first week of February 2000.
Dora Kanoussi: Presentación

Carlos Nelson Coutinho: El concepto de sociedad civil en Gramsci y la lucha ideológica en Brasil hoy
Francisco Hidalgo Flor: Movimientos populares, el debate de alternativas y aportes desde Gramsci
Néstor Kohan: Gramsci en Argentina

Jorge Luis Acanda: La recepcion de Gramsci en Cuba
Rafael Hernández: Politica e intelectuales en el socialismo
Fernando Martínez Herediia: Memoria y proyectos. Gramsci y el ejercicio de pensar
Rigoberto Pupo Pupo: Gramsci y la historia de la filosofia
Joaquín Santana: Gramsci y Mariátegui [END PAGE 44]

Rubén Zardoya: Gramsci y el capitalismo contemporáneo
Joseph Buttigieg: Regresar a De Sanctis/Regresar a Gramsci
Giuseppe Cospito: Estructura y superstructura. Un intento de lectura diacrónica de los Cuadernos
Donatella Di Benedetto: Crisis orgánica y revolución passiva. Americanism y corporativismo
Benedetto Fontana: El intelectual cosmopolita. Gramsci sobre Croce
Guido Liguori: El debate sobre Gramsci en el cambio de siglo

Dora Kanoussi (ed.). Hegemonía, Estado y Sociedad Civil en al Globalización (México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés, 2001).
The essays in this volume are, for the most part, based on papers that were delivered in a session on "Gramscian Concepts: Hegemony, the State, Passive Revolution, Subalternity" (co-ordinated by the International Gramsci Society) at the 4th International Conference organized by the journal Rethinking Marxism that was held at the University of Massachusetts on 21-24 September, 2000.
Dora Kanoussi: Presentación
Benedetto Fontana: Gramsci y el Estado
Joseph A. Buttigieg: Gramsci y la sociedad civil
Marcus E. Green: Gramsci no puede ablar
Alastair Davidson: Globalización y hegemonía
Derek Boothman: Traducción inter e intralinguística en Gramsci
Dora Kanoussi: Gramsci y la Modernidad. Notas sobre el Cuaderno 16

E. San Juan, Jr. Surrealism & Revolution: Antonio Gramsci, Walter Benjamin, Aimé Césaire.
This is a special issue of the Working Papers in Cultural Studies Series in Cultural Studies, Ethnicity, and Race Relations (January 2001) that is published under the sponsorship of the department of Comparative American Cultures at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. (More information is available at the website:

Antonio Santucci. Senza comunismo: Labriola, Gramsci, Marx (Roma: Riuniti, 2001).
The chapters at the core of this book focus on central aspects of Gramsci's politcal and theoretical work. The other chapters deal with aspects of the Marxist tradition that constitute a very important part of the genealogy of Gramsi's thought.
Parte Prima. Labriola: le radici del marxismo italiano
Il carteggio con Engels
I Saggi nella cultura italiana e europea [END PAGE 45]
Parte Seconda. Gramsci: I Consigli, questioni di teoria, il carcere, il mondo
La prospettiva del comunismo nell'Ordine Nuovo
Per la veritå: intellettuali, classe, potere
Il diario del prigioniero 7047
Un classico dall'Italia all'estero (all'Italia?)
Parte Terza. Il Manifesto e i suoi autori
Economia e Weltliteratur
Il marxismo italiano e il "problema" Engels
Appendice. La "filologia vivente": Eugenio Garin e il metodo di Gramsci

Rosemary Dore Soares. Gramsci, o Estado e a escola (RS, Brasil: Editora UNIJUI, 2000).
As the title suggests, this book is a study of the relationship between Gramsci's concept of education (and particularly, his notion of the "common school") and his theory of the State.
CONTENTS: Prefácio


Cap. I. A identidade e a distinção entre o conceito e a realidade
· A premissa teórica do conceito de "Eastado ampliado"

Cap.II: A identidade e a sintinção entre sociedade política e sociedade civil
· A identidade conceitual entre a sociedade política e a sociedade civil: o "Estado ético"
· A distinção histórica entre a sociedade política e a sociedade civil: o "Estado restrito"
· A distinção conceitual e a identidade histórica entre a sociedade política e a sociedade civil: o "Estado ampliado"

Cap. III: A identidade conceitual e histórica entre a sociedade civil e a sociedade política: o "Estado sem Estado"
· Da révolution en permanence à "hegemonia civil": a "revoluçao permamente" -- a "hegemonia civil" - a superção da "revolução permanente" pelo conceito de "hegemonia civil"
· O desenvolvimento da fórmula da "hegemonia civil" na história: o 18 Brumário - a revolução Russa (a transição na teoria - a transição na prática)

Cap. IV: O "Estado Ampliado" e a escola
· A proposta educacional de Gramsci: a "escola unitária": A "escola ativa": o ponto de partida da reflexão gramsciana (a concepção so trabalho como "atividade") -- a "escola progressiva": a perspectiva americana - a "escola do trabalho": a perspectiva social-democrata
· A "escola única do trabalho": o conceito de politecnia
· A "escola unitária" : a organização da cultura - o conceito de "reforma intelectual e moral" - a escola como organização cultural

Finalmente, a "escola unitária"
Considerações finais
Referéncias bibliográficas [END PAGE 46]

Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton. "The Gordian Knot of Agency-Structure in International Relations: A Neo-Gramscian Perspective" in European Journal of International Relations, vol. 7, no 1 (2001), pp. 5-35.

Wolfgang Fritz Haug. "From Marx to Gramsci, From Gramsci to Marx: Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Praxis" in Rethinking Marxism, vol. 13, no. 1 (2001), pp. 69-82.

Daniel Schugurensky. "Adult Education and Social Transformation: On Gramsci, Freire, and the Challenge of Comparing Comparisions" [a review essay] in Comparative Education Review, vol. 44, no. 4 (2000), pp. 515-22.

Rosemary Dore Soares. "Questões da escola média brasileira: dualidade escolar, politecnia, polivalência e escola unitária" in Teoria e Prática da Educação v. 1 (1999), pp. 67-89.

Rosemary Dore Soares. "Algumas questões sobre o marxismo e a teoria do conhecimento" in Universidade e Sociedade, v. 19 (1999), pp.105-108.

Rosemary Dore Soares. "A escola unitária e o papel da Filosofia da Educação na nova ordem mundial" in Educação e Filosofia, v. 11 (1998), pp. 57-76.

Rosemary Dore Soares. "Concepção socialista da educação e os atuais paradigmas de qualificação para o trabalho: notas introdutórias" in Educação & Sociedade, v. 58 59
pp. 142-155.

Rosemary Dore Soares. "Escola nova versus escola unitária" in Educação & Sociedade, v. 54 (1996) , pp. 141-160.

Of related interest:

Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton (eds.) Social Forces in the Making of Europe: The Restructuring of European Social relations in the Global Political Economy (Hampshire, U.K. & New York: Palgrave, 2001).
From the back cover: "The revival of European integration since the mid-1980s and the emergence of a 'New Europe' have to be analysed against the background of globalization and the transnational restructuring of social forces. The editors bring together a range of diverse, but similar, critical perspectives that draw on the work of Antonio Gramsci to provide an alternative to established neo-functionalist and intergovernmentalist approaches. An emphasis is placed on thinking in a Gramscian way about European integration, rather than rigidly applying Gramsci's theory and practice to alternative contexts."

Readers of the IGS Newsletter will be especially interested in the introductory chapter by the volume's editors, "Neo-Gramscian Perspectives in International Political Economy and the Relevance to European Integration."

Joseph Francese, Cultura e politica negli anni Cinquanta: Salinari, Pasolini, Calvino (Roma: Lithos editrice, 2000)
Francese offre al lettore tre studi il cui scopo è quello di prospettare una parziale visione del modo in cui tre intellettuali italiani di sinistra reagirono alla crisi del 1956. Salinari, Calvino e Pasolini rappresentano tre casi distinti ma sovrapposti, ognuno emblematico di una posizione diversa - mentre Salinari visse una sofferta fedeltà alle scelte del Pci, Calvino si dimise nel Partito nell'estate del 1957 e Pasolini, irradiato nel 1949, ambiva l'approvazione e il sostegno dell'apparato per le sue opere creative. Nello stesso modo ognuno dei tre impostava e viveva in modo diverso la questione del ruolo sociale dell'intellettuale, nonché quello del rapporto tra intellettuale e masse. Sulla scorta di verbali relativi alle varie sedute del Commissione culturale communista (di cui Salinari fu responsabile nei primi anni Cinquanta e Calvino membro sino alle dimissioni), Francese riesce a comprendere quali fossero state le motivazioni piú profonde che determinarono nei tre intellettuali presi in esame risposte alla 'crisi dell 1956.' La sofferta fedeltà di Salinari al Pci era dovuta dalla sua visione del ceto intellettuale come parte integrante di una volontà collettiva sottoposta alla direzione del partito operaio mentre Calvino e Pasolini attribuivano all'intellettuale una «funzione sacerdotale». Francese, coniugando a livello metodologico l'analisi del microcosmo degli intellettuali presi in esame e la prospettiva critico-esegetica gramsciana della nozione di intellettuale e egemonia rende storicamente comprensibile i tre intellettuali. Riprendendo la mai dimessa attenzione di Gramsci alla storia, li colloca in una rete di relazioni di fatti che non tende ad una visione d'insieme totalizzante, ma all'analisi di quanto c'è di specifico alla condizione dell'intellettuale e quanto c'è di universale in un dato contesto storico. In questo modo, ossia investendo il rapporto intellettuali-Partito così come lo aveva teorizzato Gramsci, investe direttamente il rapporto cultura-politica.

This book contains three essays through which the author presents a partial vision of the way in which Italian Leftist intellectuals reacted to the crisis of 1956. The critic Carlo Salinari, and the writers Italo Calvino e Pier Paolo Pasolini represent three distinct but overlapping cases, each emplematic in its own way of a diverse position within the Left. While Salinari did not share completely the Party's response to the Soviet invasions of Poland and Hungary, he remained faithful to it. In contrast, Calvino resigned from the Italian Communist Party in August 1957. Pasolini, expelled in 1949, desired the approval and support of the Party's hierarchy for his creative works. These three intellectuals each conceived and lived in his own way the question of the social function of the intellectual, and that of the correct relationship between intellectuals and the masses. Francese uses the minutes of the meetings of the PCI's National Cultural Commission (which was chaired by Salinari in the early 1950s, and included Calvino among its members until his resignation from the Party) to comprehend the deep motives that determined the responses of the three to the 'crisi of 1956.' Salinari kept faith with the Gramscian view of intellectuals as integral part of a 'collective will' under the direction of the workers' Party. In contrast, Calvino and Pasolini considered the intellectual a sort of 'high priest of the revolution.', Because he never loses sight of the larger historical context, Francese succeeds in bringing together the analysis of the three imbricating microcosms and the Gramscian critical-exegetic perspective on the concepts of the intellectual and hegemony, making historically comprehensible the choices of the three, placing them in a network of relations that does not pretend to arrive at a totalizing view of the events in question, but at an analysis of what is peculiar to the condition of intellectual against the 'universal' backdrop of an historical context. Thus, the examination of the relationship between the intellectual and the workers' movement, as Gramsci theorized it, calls directly into question the relationship between culture and politics. [END PAGE 48]

Massimo Lollini. Il vuoto della forma. Scrittura, testimonianza e verità (Genova: Marietti, 2001).
This volume contains two excellent chapters dealing with two aspects of Gramsci work, namely his pre-prison wrtings ("L'importanza dell'ombra: il giovane Gramsci, Serra, e la cultura del primo Novecento") and his prison letters ("Il testimone invisibile: le Lettere dal carcere di Antonio Gramsci").

Antonio Carlos Maximo. Os Intelectuais e a Educação das Massas (Campinas, SP: Autores Associados, 2000)
This work contains discussions of various writers who have treated the question of intellectuals, including Benda, Sartre, and Nizan, among others. Gramsci's ideas on the subject are discussed specifically in Chapter 4, "A educação que vem da prática política: Marx, Lenin, Gramsci," and Chapter 5, "A função intelectual como estratégia de poder."

Graziella Parati and Ben Lawton (Eds.) Italian Cultural Studies (Boca Raton, FL.: Bordighera Press, 2001).
As is well known, Gramsci's theories and concepts occupy an extraordinarily prominent place in Anglo-American cultural studies. It is hardly surprising, then, that Gramsci's ideas figure prominantly in several essays included in this volume which deals with various aspects of the emergent field of Italian cultural studies.

Alan Shandro. "Lenin and Hegemony: The Soviets, the Working Class and the Party in the Revolution of 1905" in C. Barker, A. Johnson, and M. Lavalette (eds.), Leadership and Social Movements (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2001), pp. 213-31.
The essay proposes a careful analysis of the terms in which Mensheviks and Bolsheviks conceptualized the emergence of the Soviets and argues that the apparent antinomies of Lenin's position are resolved by reading them in the context of a debate with the Mensheviks over the meaning and the political significance of the struggle for hegemony. The claim that the Russian Marxist debates over hegemony were more nuanced than is usually supposed is used by the author to dispute standard interpretations of Leninist hegemony as narrowly focussed upon the consciousness of the party, to suggest instead a certain foreshadowing of Gramscian themes, and to assert affinities between the position of the Mensheviks and contemporary "post-Marxist" approaches to hegemony.


The following two articles by John Fonte, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, puportedly lay bare the "dangers" of Gramsci's influence and of cultural politics based on Gramscian thought. There is nothing in them to suggest that the author has anything more than a superficial acquaintance with Gramsci's work. Still, the articles are of interest to those who have been keeping track of right-wing efforts to demonize Gramsci.

John Fonte. "Gramsci's revenge: Reconstructing American Democracy" in Academic Questions, vol. 13, no 2 (Spring 2000), pp. 49-62.

John Fonte. "Why There Is a Culture War: Gramsci and Tocqueville in America" in Policy Review, no. 104 (Dec. 2000 & Jan. 2001), pp.15-31. [END PAGE 49]
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