International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 5 (November, 1995): 1 < prev | toc | next >  


The largest segment of this issue of the IGS Newsletter is devoted to John Cammett's latest contribution to Gramscian bibliography. Just last month the Fondazione Istituto Gramsci brought out the second volume (called the "Supplement") of the massive Bibliografia gramsciana--the contents of this volume were described by Cammett in a short article in the last Newsletter, and further details are provided in the "Gramsci Bibliography: Recent Publications" section of this issue. Both volumes of Cammett's Bibliografia are devoted primarily to works on or about Gramsci. There has long been a need, however, to produce an inventory of the various editions of Gramsci's writings that have been published in diverse languages all across the world. Cammett has now produced such an inventory, and it is being published for the first time in this issue of the IGS Newsletter.

The Italian language section of this issue contains information about a very important new "Gramscian" development in Italy. Through the initiative of some of our Italian friends (among them Giorgio Baratta and Antonio Santucci who were among the founding members of the IGS, and Aldo Tortorella and Guido Liguori who have long been strong supporters of our endeavors) the Italian "section" of the International Gramsci Society will be formally established at a public gathering that will take place at the University of Naples next month. Preparations for this event have been going on for several months and they have attracted a considerable amount of attention in the Italian press. L'Unità of 4 September 1995 published an interview with Joseph Buttigieg on the contributions that Italians specifically could make potentially to enrich the work and further the goals of the IGS. Il Manifesto, too, published an article (2 September 1995) by Paolo Andruccioli on the significance of founding the Italian section of the IGS in the present cultural and political conjuncture. Other articles on the plans to found IGS-Italia also appeared in other issues of these and other papers. In the next issue of the IGS Newsletter we will report in detail on the formal founding of the IGS-Italia, its inaugural meeting, and its future plans. In the meantime, we send our Italian friends all our best wishes.


Some months ago Maurice Finocchiaro made a very valuable suggestion that could greatly facilitate communication among IGS members. He suggested that we compile and subsequently publish a list of all the IGS members who can be reached via electronic mail. In order to compile such a list we encourage all readers of this Newsletter to fill in the membership form at the back of this issue, even if they are already members. This would enable not only to compile an e-mail directory but also to update our records of members' addresses, etc. When filling this form, members who have not renewed their membership should use the occasion to remit past dues.   ^ return to top ^ < prev | toc | next >