International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 2 (March, 1993): 4-15 < prev | toc | next >  

News and Reports: Results of the IGS Survey and Related Info.

(Last year Frank Rosengarten mailed a questionnaire to everyone who is on the IGS mailing lists requesting information about publications, courses, dissertations and other activities that are of interest to members of the IGS and to anyone else engaged in the study of Antonio Gramsci's life and work. The information obtained from the many responses-- and some additional news which reached the IGS from other sources--is tabulated below in a schematised form. The IGS wishes to thank everyone who responded to the questionnaire while encouraging everyone to continue sending relevant information for publication in future issues of the IGS Newsletter.)


Baranski, Zygmunt G. «Pier Paolo Pasolini: Culture, Croce, Gramsci» in Z.G. Baranski and R. Lumley, eds., Culture and Conflict in Postwar Italy. Essays on Mass and Popular Culture. London: Macmillan, 1990.

Borghese, Lucia «Antonio Gramsci e la letteratura di consumo», Allegoria, III, n.8 (1991), pp. 109-116.

«Für den 'Nadelstich' gegen die Lethargie», Zibaldone, VI, n.11 (May 1991), pp. 50-61.

Bulgaris, Yannis La fine del socialismo reale - 1989. Athens. [It's not clear whether this is in Italian or in Greek, but most probably in Greek.] [no date or publisher given]

Buttigieg, Joseph A. "Antonio Gramsci negli Stati Uniti," Allegoria, 10 (1992), pp. 73-85.

Canfora, Luciano Togliatti e i dilemmi della politica. Bari-Rome: Laterza, 1989.

«Cultura, consenso, costruzione del `blocco storico'», Studi Storici, March 28, 1987, pp. 581-598.

«Il 'verbale' di Valpolcevera», Studi Storici, January 31, 1990, pp. 293-316.

contribution to IG Informazioni 1992:2, p. 77.

Capella, Juan Ramón «Actualidad de Gramsci», Nuestra Bandera No. 148:4 (1991) [i.e. No. 150].

Díaz-Salazar, Rafael El Proyecto de Gramsci. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1991.

«Gramsci y al política como reforma intelectual y moral», Nuestra Bandera No. 148:4 (1991) [i.e. No. 150].

Dyke, Carl review of Dante Germino, Antonio Gramsci: Architect of a New Politics (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1990), Nineteenth-Century Contexts vol. 16, no. 1 (1992), pp. 102-6.

Francese, Joseph Il realismo impopolare di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Foggia: Bastogi, 1991. [END PAGE 4]

«The Latent Presence of Crocean Aesthetics in Pasolini's `Critical Marxism'», to appear in a collective volume to be published under the auspices of the journal The Italianist.

Golding, Sue Gramsci's Democratic Theory. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1992.

Gran, Peter "Nahwa minhaj ta'rikhi muearan li-dirasat ta'rikh misr al-hadith," (Towards a New Comparative Approach to Modern Egyptian History) in Ahmad Abdullah, Ed., Ta'rikh Misr (Cairo, 1987), pp. 87-99.

"Mafhum Gramsci 'an al-mutharif al-taqlidi-salahiyn ii-dirasa misr al-haditha," (Gramsci's Concept of the Traditional Intellectual - Its Utility for the Study of Modern Egypt), in Hilma Shacrawi et al., Eds., Gramsci, Damascus, 1991, pp. 353-367.

"The Writing of Egyptian History: A Contribution to Today's Problems," Ahram Weekly Edition, Cairo, July 30, 1992, p. 8.

"Bringing the Argument Up to Date," ibid. August 6, 1992, p. 8.

"The Political Economy of Aesthetics: Modes of Domination in Modern Nation States Seen Through Shakespeare Reception," Dialectical Anthropology, vol. 7 (1992), pp. 271-288.

Hanchard, Michael Orpheus and Power: The Movimento Negro of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1945-1988. forthcoming from Princeton University Press, 1993.(This book uses a Gramscian analysis to examine the black movement in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, focusing on the process of identity formation among Afro-Brazilian activists, and the attempt to forge an Afro-Brazilian social movement against racial hegemony in Brazil.)

Holub, Renate Antonio Gramsci: Beyond Marxism and Postmodernism. London: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1992.

Kanoussi, Dora «La filosofia della prassi di Gramsci e la rivoluzione passiva» [The text will be sent by the author to the IGS]

Keczer, Gabriella «Ellenszélben? Interju Sárközy Péterprofesszoral» ["Nel vento contrario? Interview with Prof. Péter Sárközy"], Egyetem. Társadalom-és muvelo déspolitikai lap. March 8, 1991.

Kéri, Elemér «Mint ko az óceánban?» ["Come un sasso nell'oceano?"]» Bevezetés Szabó Tibor: Gramsci politikai filozófiája c. könyvéhez [Introduction to Tibor Szabó, Gramsci's Political Philosophy]. Szeged, 1991.

«Antoniio Gramsci születésnek l00. évfordulója» ["One Hundredth Anniversay of the Birth of A. Gramsci"], Eszmélet 13-14 (1992).

«Gramsci kiszabadításának kísérleteirol« ["On the attempts made on behalf of Gramsci's release"], Társadalmi Szemle 1989:7.

Elemér Kéri has also pointed out the publication of: Antonio Gramsci és Lukács György örökége.[The Legacy of Antonio Gramsci] Társadalmi Szemle 1991:4, which includes:

Gáll, Erno (Cluj-Napoca), «Gramsci értelmiségfelfogása és az erdélyi magyar irástudók» ["Gramsci's Concept of the Intelligentsia and Hungarian Thinkers in Transylvania"]. [END PAGE 5]

Koprda, Pavol (Bratislava), «A népfelség a nemzeti kultúrában» ["People's Sovereignty in National Culture"].

Losoncz, Alpár (Novi Sad), «Praxisfilozófia és modernitás» ["Philosophy of Praxis and Modernity"].

Tertulian, Nicolas (Paris), «Gramsci, az Anti-Croce és Lukács filozófiája» ["The Philosophies of Gramsci, the Anti-Croce and Lukács"]

Marques-Pereira, Bérengin L'avortement en Belgique. De la clandestinité au débat politique. Éd. de l'Université de Bruxelles: Brussels, 1989

«L'État-Providence, Providence de l'état à l'égard des femmes?», Recherches Féministes (l'Université Laval), vol. 3, N.1, 1990, pp. 11-26.

Melis, Guido «L'attualitá del marxismo problematico,» in L'Unione sarda. Cagliari, January 31, 1991 (in the special insert, Gramsci, 1891-1991) This insert comprises six pages with articles by Manlio Bregaglia, Paolo Pulina, Umberto Cardia, Giancarlo Ghirra, Giacomo Mameli, and an interview with Giuseppe Fiori, as well as documents, etc.

Neubert, Harald Antonio Gramsci - vergessener Humanist. Eine Anthologie. Edited and with an introduction by Harald Neubert. Berlin: Dietz, 1991.

«Antonio Gramsci und das Schicksal des `realen Sozialismus'» Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, (Berlin) vol. 1 (1991), pp. 3-12; and Hintergrund - Sonderausgabe (Osnabrück), vol. 1 (1991), pp. 67-76.

«Die Dialektik von ziviler und politischer Gesellschaft bei Gramsci und deren Dysfunktion im `realen Sozialismus'» Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung (Frankfurt a.M.), vol 7 (September 1991), pp. 48-58.

Nichs, Andrea «Gramsci-Lukács konferencia Szegeden», Pesti Hirlap February 15, 1991.

«Gramsci-Lukács konferencia», Élet-és Iradalom February 2, 1991.

Paladini Musitelli, Marina «Gramsci e il problema degl'intellettuali (1916-1927)», Problemi fasc. 93 (January April 1992).

Petronio, Giuseppe «Gramsci e la storia degli intellettuali», Problemi fasc. 93 (January-April 1992).

Radhakrishnan, R. «Toward an Effective Intellectual: Foucault or Gramsci?» in Bruce Robbins, ed., Intellectuals: Aesthetics, Politics, Academics, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990, pp. 57- 99.

Ragazzini, Dario «Il rapporto di Lucio Lombardo Radice con Gramsci (Per una storia della `Fortuna' di Gramsci)» (paper read at Convegno di Studi su L. Lombardo Radice, October 1990, Reggio Emilia--the papers will be published by Franco Angeli,editore, Milan.

Cristina Rolfini sent us the following information about recent publications on Gramsci:

F. Vidoni «Cenni attorno ad una biografia», Calendario del Popolo [cultural monthly], n. 553 (April 1992) Speciale Gramsci, 1, pp. 15280 - 15291.

G.C. Marino «La Centralità del sud», Ibid. [END PAGE 6]

M. Martelli «Lo Stato senza stato», Ibid.

D. Losurdo «La Modernità e il comunismo», Calendario del Popolo, n. 554 (May 1992) Speciale Gramsci 2, pp. 15350 - 15362.

C. Rolfini «La Rivoluzione globale», Ibid.

R. Giuffrida «Gramsci: un `virus' negli USA: colloquio con J. Buttigieg», Ibid.

(All the above are excerpts from papers presented to the International Conference, Gramsci e l'Italia, held at Urbino on January 24-25, 1992. The complete papers will be edited by M. Martelli and published by Quattroventi, Urbino.)

A. Burgio «Gramsci e l'educazione reciproca», Calendario del Popolo, n. 555 (June 1992) Speciale Gramsci 3, pp. 15418 - 15428.

R. Giuffrida «Garavini: Gramsci? Un punto di partenza», Ibid.

A. Natta «Da Gramsci a noi», Critica Marxista, n.s. 1, (January-February 1992), pp. 35-47.

C. Rolfini «Gramsci a cent'anni dalla nascita», Informazione Filosofica, 6 (March 1992), pp. 47-49.

A. Burgio «Quale rappresentanza? Sulla teoria della rivoluzione negli scritti precarcerari di Gramsci», Marx Centouno n.s. 7 (November 1991) special issue devoted to Democrazia e egemonia in Antonio Gramsci, pp. 40 - 83.

A. Catone «Appunti `gramsciani' per la lettura dell'agosto russo», Ibid.

P. Cristofolini «Egemonia: un'idea di Trotskij», Ibid.

F. Frosini «Note su filosofia, religione e democrazia nei Quaderni del carcere», Ibid.

C. Rolfini «Rileggere Gramsci, nota introduttiva», Ibid.

D. Losurdo «Gramsci, il marxismo e lo stato, Marx Centouno n.s. 8 (March 1992) special issue devoted to Egemonia e filosofia della prassi, pp. 42 - 91.

G. Baratta «Le storie particolari vivono solo nel quadro della storia mondiale», Ibid.

C. Preve «Il pensiero marxista di Gramsci dopo il collasso del comunismo storico novecentesco del 1991», Ibid.

R. Mádera «Considerazioni su classe, nazione, sesso ed individui in relazione alla critica del progetto egemonico gramsciano», Ibid.

Rügemer, Werner Wohin kann Antonio gehn? Szenische Lesung mit Musik. Texte von und über Gramsci. Mit dem Essay von Uwe Hirschfeld «Gramscis Heimat.» Cologne, Verlag Demokratie, Dialektik & Ästhetik. Pp. 26. (This is a staged reading incorporating some of Gramsci's own texts. It was written for the Gramsci centennial and has had several performances in the atelier Theater in Cologne. It includes the music from Luigi Dallapiccola's Quaderno musicale di Analibera (1947). The Gramsci texts are predominantly from the Prison Letters.) [END PAGE 7]

San Juan Jr., E. Racial Formations/Critical Transformations. Atlantic Highlands, U.S.A.: Humanities Press, 1992.

Reading the West/Writing the East. Studies in Comparative Literature and Culture. New York: Peter Lang, 1992.

«Gramsci: In Quest of Revolutionary Agency,» in From People to Nation: Essays in Cultural Politics. Manila: Asian Social Institute, Inc., 1990.

Writing and National Liberation. Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines Press, 1992.

«From Lukács to Brecht and Gramsci: The Moment of Practice in Critical Theory,» Nature, Society and Thought, 4:1-2 (Jan-April 1991), pp. 81-102.

Showstack Sassoon, Anne "Hegemony" in Twentieth Century Dictionary of Social Thought, ed. W. Outhwaite & T. Bottomore, Blackwells (forthcoming).

"Antonio Gramsci" in Waterstones Subject Catalogues: Social Sciences, Lomdon: Waterstone & Co., 1989.

"Volk, Intellektuelle und spezialisiertes Wissen" in Die Linie Luxemburg Gramsci: Zur Aktualität und Historizität marxistischen Denkens, Berlin: Das Argument, 1989.

"Gramsci, the Left and the 1990s" in C. Polychroniou (ed.), Socialism: Crisis and Renewal, New York: Praeger Publishers (forthcoming)

Sintomer, Yves «Un jeune centenaire,» M. Marxisme, Mouvement, 50 (December 1991), Paris, pp. 46ff.

«Gramsci dissident communiste,» M. Marxisme, Mouvement, 50 (December 1991), pp. 55-56.

Snedeker, George «Edward Said and the Critique of Orientalism», Nature, Society and Thought 3:2 (1990)

«Between Humanism and Social Theory: the Cultural Criticism of Raymond Williams», Rethinking Marxism (forthcoming).

Szabó, Tibor Gramsci politikai filozófiája. [Gramsci's Political Philosophy] Szeged, 1991 [This is the first Hungarian monograph on the subject.]

Szakernyés, János (Timisoara) «A politikai kultúra sarkköve: a tolerancia. Beszelgetés Szabó Tibor filozófussal» ["The cornerstone of political culture: tolerance. Interview with the philosopher Tibor Szabó"], A Hét January 10, 1991.

Texier, Jacques «Rationalité selon la fin et rationalité selon la valeur dans les Cahiers de la prison,» Actuel Marx, 4, pp. 97-118.

Tosel, André «La philosophie de la praxis comme conception du monde intégrale,» M. Marxisme, Mouvement, 50 (December 1991), pp. 57-62.

«Marx en italiques. Aux sources de la philosophie italienne contemporaine,» Trans Europ Repress, Mauvezin, 1991 (chapters V-VIII, pp. 105-169.) [END PAGE 8]

«L'esprit de scission. Études sur Marx, Gramsci, Lukács.» Annales Littéraires de l'Université de Besançon. Belles-Lettres, Paris, 1991. Pp. 153-237.

Vacca, Giuseppe «Egemonia e democrazia nei Quaderni», Problemi (cultural quarterly dir. by Giuseppe Petronio), fasc. 93 (January-April 1992).

Vejerano, Juan Trías (ed.), Gramsci y la izquierda europea. Madrid: Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistas, 1992.

«Gramsci (1891-1937)», Nuestra Bandera No. 148:4 (1991) [i.e. No. 150].

Wagner, Birgit «Gramsci als Literaturkritiker der faschistischen Jahrzehnte,» Zibaldone 11 (special issue «Antonio Gramsci»), (Vienna: Piper), May 1991, pp. 40-49. (issue includes contributions by Giorgio Baratta, Johanna Borek, Lucia Borghese and Renzo Martinelli)

«Gramsci und Pascal,» Wespennest, 83 (special issue «Antonio Gramsci» ed. Johanna Borek) (1991), pp. 53-56. (issue includes articles by Johanna Borek, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Edoardo Sanguineti, Rolf Schwendter, et al.)

and Sonja Puntscher Riekmann «Emigration in Wien,» in Uwe Hirschfeld and Werner Rügemer, eds., Utopie und Zivilgesellschaft. Berlin: Elefanten-Press, 1990. Pp. 103-112. (volume includes contributions by Giorgio Baratta, Joseph Buttigieg, Fabio Frosini, Uwe Hirschfeld, Sabine Kebir, Girolamo Sotgiu, Heinz Thoma, et al.)

Wörsdörfer, Rolf (Frankfurt a.M.) Movimento operaio e socialista a Messina (1900-1914), Roma- Reggio Calabria: Gangemi editore, 1990.

«Ein Staat - zwei Gesellschaften. Bemerkungen zu Gramscis `Einige Gesichtspunkte der Frage des Südens'(1926),» Utopie kreativ. Diskussion sozialistischer Alternativen, Heft 6, February 1991, pp. 47-


Information from Rolf Wörsdörfer:

Gramsci und die Theorie der Zivilgesellschaft - Internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz, March 22 - 23, 1992, Berlin.

From Sabine Kebir:

The Swansea-Bremen Conference held at the University College of Swansea on 11-12 September 1992 was dedicated to an examination of "the relevance of the educational writings of Raymond Williams and Antonio Gramsci on culture, community and democracy for the twenty-first century." Among the presentations at the conference: S. Kebir on "Between Emancipation and Puritanism: Gramsci on the Question of Gender"; Gustav Klaus: "Common Culture, National Popular, Common Sense: Obsolete Concepts?"; Ursula Apitzsch: "Gramsci and the Discussion of Multicultural Education"; W. John Morgan: "Workers and Intellectuals: Antonio Gramsci and Intellectuals."

From Birgit Wagner:

Gramsci Oggi (etc.), conference, Vienna, June 12 - 14, 1992. Organized by Johanna Borek et al. The conference included papers by Giorgio Baratta, Klaus Bochmann, Johanna Borek, Joseph Buttigieg, Wolfgang F. Haug, Sabine Kebir, Kaspar Maase, Reinhard Pitsch, Costanzo Preve, Birgit Wagner and others. [END PAGE 9]

From André Tosel:

The papers of the «congrés franco-italien» Modernité de Gramsci? held at Besançon in November 1989 will be published in November or December 1992. The volume will include contributions by E. Balibar, E. Buissière, S. Salomon, J. Robelin, J. Texier, J.P. Potier, C. Barrère, A. Jaulin, A. Tosel, G. Baratta, G. Prestipino, A. Bechelonni, D. Losurdo, F. Sbarberi, F. Izzo, C. Preve, G. Vacca, A.A. Santucci, A. Showstack Sassoon.

From Elemér Kéri:

Nemzetközi Gramsci-Lukács Konferencia. [Convegno Internazionale su Gramsci e Lukács], Szeged, Hungary, February 14-15, 1991.

From Luciano Canfora:

Gramsci e Togliatti, Urbino, January 1992. Coordinated by Domenico Losurdo. (Publication of the papers is imminent.)

From Istituto Gramsci, Friuli-Venezia Giulia:

Gramsci e l'egemonia, Trieste, December 5-6, 1991. Conference organized by the Istituto Gramsci of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Papers and interventions by Giuseppe Petronio, Franco Brioschi, Giuseppe Giarrizzo, Michele Ciliberto, Giuseppe Vacca, Rocco Brienza, Robert S. Dombroski, Marina Paladini, Franco Sbarberi, Antonio Stragà. [For partial publication of papers in Problemi see Paladini, Vacca and Petronio in list of publications above.]

From Mimma Paulesu Quercioli:

Gramsci e la non-violenza, Ghilarza, September 26, 1992. Symposium and debate organized by the Casa Gramsci during the «Mese delle Cultura». Participants included Sergio Caprioglio, Prof. Alberto Labate and Prof. Giorgio Nardone.

From Dora Kanoussi:

Gramsci en America Latina, conference to be held in the Universidad Autón. of Pueblo, Mexico in November 1993.

From C. Rolfini:

Crisi Organica: il vecchio muore e il nuovo non può nascere, conference held at Certosa di Pontignano (Univ. of Siena), November 3 - 5, 1991. (The papers are being edited by Cristina Rolfini and Giorgio Baratta.) (Info. from Rolfini)

From Maurice Finocchiaro:

Many concurrent sessions on «Antonio Gramsci» at annual conference of American Association for Italian Studies, Austin, Texas, April 15-18, 1993, organized by Massimo Lollini, Romance Languages, University of Oregon.

From Juan Trías Vejerano:

Coloquio Internacional «Gramsci y la izquierda europea», organized by the Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistas, Madrid, September 25 - 26, 1991. Round Table «Vigencia de Gramsci», July 30, 1991, summer semester, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

From Fabio Frosini:

Meeting of the International Gramsci Society, Berlin, November 10, 1992 to plan the Society's first congress (date and place still to be determined). Participating in the planning were: Giorgio Baratta, Jacques Bidet, Klaus Bochmann, Francisco F. Buey, Joseph Buttigieg, Fabio Frosini, Wolfgang F. Haug, Lothar Knapp, Harald Neubert and Leonie Schröder. [END PAGE 10]


* Professor Francisco Fernández Buey, Professor of Methodology of Social Sciences at the University of Barcellona is teaching doctoral courses during the 1992-93 academic year on the topic, Recent Contributions to Understanding and Interpreting the Works of Antonio Gramsci:

In recent years, with the commemorations of the centenary of Gramsci's birth and the 50th anniversary of his death, a series of documents and analytical essays have been published which constitute a notable contribution to the considerable amount of literature about Gramsci already available in the seventies. The appearance in definitive form of the monumental Gramscian bibliography by John Cammett (Rome: Riuniti, 1991) offers us a clear idea of the influence of Antonio Gramsci's thought in every continent. The birth of the International Gramsci Society has also helped increase Gramscian literature. Important correspondence between Gramsci, Tatiana Schucht and Pierro Sraffa has come to light during the last ten years. Specialist Italian critics have stimulated an interesting debate on the various existing editions of the Quaderni del carcere. A review of this documentary, analytical, and critical material makes possible a new appraisal of Gramsci's work as a whole, and of his role as a thinker and man of action. This is the aim of the doctoral courses, during which the participants will read, discuss and appraise the bibliography available, with particular attention to:

John Cammett, Bibliografia gramsciana (Rome: Riuniti, 1991)

G. Francioni, L'officina gramsciana (Naples: Bibliopoli, 1984)

A. Gramsci, Forse rimarrai lontana. Lettere a Iulca: 1922-1937 (Rome: Riuniti, 1987)

Nuove lettere di Antonio Gramsci (con altre lettere di Piero Sraffa), ed.A. Santucci (Rome: Riuniti, 1986)

Antonio Gramsci, Lettere: 1908-1926, ed. A. Santucci (Turin: Einaudi, 1992)

G. Baratta & A. Catone (eds.) Modern Times: Gramsci e la Critica all'Americanismo (Milan: Cooperativa Diffusione 84, 1989)

Aldo Natoli, Antigone e il prigoniero (Rome: Riumiti, 1990)

Giuseppe Fiori, Gramsci Togliatti Stalin (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 1991)

Piero Sraffa, Lettere a Tania per Gramsci, ed. V. Gerratana (Rome: Riuniti, 1991)

* Professor Richard D. Wolff of the Department of Economics of the University of Massachussetts in Amherst, U.S.A. taught a course entitled Introduction to the Marxist Tradition in the Fall semester of 1992:

The course is divided into the following sections: "The first theoretical generation after Marx" comprises "Austro-Marxism: the debates in Vienna," "Russian Marxism: social democracy and bolshevism," "The struggle in Germany: reform or revolution" and "The context: imagining/constructing transitions from capitalism to communism." There follows a section on "Marxism and the consequences of Soviet power" comprising "`Official Marxism': economic or political determinism?," "Dissents from `Official Marxism': turning to culture and to the analysis of theory/thinking itself." This subdivision comprises readings from Lukács, Gramsci, from the Frankfurt School, as well as Korsch and Bloch. The Gramsci readings are as follows: [END PAGE 11]

Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks

---- The Modern Prince

Joseph Buttigieg, Antonio Gramsci's Triad: Culture, Politics, Intellectuals, Minneapolis: Center for Humanistic Studies, 1987.

Chantal Mouffe, ed., Gramsci and Marxist Theory, essays by Mouffe and Paggi

Frank Annunziato, «Gramsci's Theory of Trade Unionism,» Rethinking Marxism, 1:2 (Summer 1988).

Richard Wolff, «Gramsci, Marxism and Philosophy,» Rethinking Marxism, 2:2 (Summer 1989).

Anne Showstack Sassoon, «Gramsci's Subversion of the Language of Politics,» Rethinking Marxism, 3:1 (Spring 1990).

The course continues with a section on "The aftermath of World War II and the transformations of Marxism into Marxisms" comprising "Marxism rethought beyond Europe," "Althusser and the explosion of French Marxism," "Conflicts and contradictions among Soviet Marxian theorists," "Marxism and post-modernism" and "The 1980s and 1990s: new Marxist theories of class and power politics, individual vs. social, and post- Marxism."

* Professor Nelson Moe, Department of Italian, University of Michigan, taught a course (in the Fall 1992 semester) on Gramsci and the Italian Literary Tradition.: Major Italian authors from Machiavelli to Verga, studied in the light of Gramsci's critical insights and perspectives.

* Professor Kate Crehan, New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, taught a course (in the Spring 1992 semester) entitled Reading Gramsci:

Course Outline:

1. Introduction

2. Gramsci and Marx - Readings: Prison Notebooks and Eric Hobsbawm, «Gramsci and Marxist Political Theory», in Anne Showstack Sassoon, ed., Approaches to Gramsci. London, 1982.

3. Gramsci's Life - Readings: Giuseppe Fiori, Antonio Gramsci: Life of a Revolutionary. London, 1990.

4. Gramsci and the Italian Context - Guest lecturer: John Cammett

5. The Nature and Role of Intellectuals - Readings: Prison Notebooks

6. The Modern Prince - Readings: Prison Notebooks.

7. State and Civil Society - Readings: Prison Notebooks.

8. Case Study (i): THe Production of Knowledge and the Role of the Intellectual - Readings: Stephen Feierman, Peasant Intellectuals: Anthropology and History in Tanzania. U of Wisconsin Press, 1990. [END PAGE 12]

9. Case Study (ii): Hegemony and its Limits - Readings: James Scott, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven, 1985.

10. Case Study (iii): The Production of Hegemony - Readings: Paul Willis, Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids get Working Class Jobs. New York, 1981.

11. Discussion of significance of Gramsci's work in the U.S. today, with the participation of John Cammett, Frank Rosengarten, and Raymond Rosenthal.

12. Gramsci and Anthropology: Class discussion of importance (or lack of importance) of Gramsci for participants' own work.

* Professor Dario Ragazzini, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione, University of Florence, taught the following course in academic year 1990 - 91: «Tematiche e teorie educative nei Quaderni del Carcere di Antonio Gramsci»:-

Selections from the Notebooks

D. Ragazzini, Società industriale e formazione umana nel pensiero di Gramsci. Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1976 (and later printings).

D. Ragazzini, «Dall'individuale al sociale [in Gramsci]» Critica marxista, n. 2-3 (1987), pp. 281-305.

* Professor Michael Hanchard, Dept. of Government, University of Texas/Austin taught (in the Fall 1992 semester) a course on The Politics and Ethics of Antonio Gramsci:


I. Ethics and Politics: Readings from Gramsci, Cammett, Coletti, Kant II. Critiques and Assessments: Readings from Perry Anderson, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, Sue Golding, Michael Walzer, Showstack-Sassoon and Femia. III. Interpretations: Race: Readings from Cornel West, Hanchard, Stuart Hall; Gender: Readings from Spivak. IV. Applications: readings from E. Genovese, Laitin, and J. Scott.

* Professor Massimo Lollini, Dept. of Romance Languages, University of Oregon, taught a course (in the Fall 1992 semester) on The Prison Letters of Antonio Gramsci and Twentieth Century Literature of Testimony in Italy. "Literature of Testimony" in this context is taken to mean textual production that sets itself beyond the traditional notions of literature and whose literary and esthetic aspects become secondary to the need to express personal and historical events the writer has experienced. Attention is also be given to the impact of Gramsci's Prison Letters in the world of literature, along with their influence on contemporary political prose. [END PAGE 13]


Xiaorong Gu, Resource, Choice and Power - A Study in Social and Ideological Change in Germany, Italy and Egypt, Ph.D. Dissertation, History, Temple University, 1988.

Rahmat Tavakol (Department of Sociology, Kean College of New Jersey, Union, New Jersey, U.S.A.) is working on a dissertation in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers University on the ayatollah Taliquani in which Gramsci's ideas on hegemony and intellectuals form part of the theoretical foundation of his work. His main concern is to investigate the process of ideological exchange between religious and secular thinkers as well as among religious thinkers in the context of the cultural and political changes that have taken place in Iran since the 1950s.

Buissière-Brave, Thèse de doctorat: Gramsci lecteur de Machiavel, une réponse au problème de l'immanence. Université de Paris X - Nanterre, November, 1990. (Part One: La rencontre de Gramsci et Machiavel; Part Two: le Machiavel de Gramsci, Part Three: la théorie gramscienne de l'immannence, Part Four: la théorie du Prince moderne et l'intellectuel.).

Bérengin Marques-Pereira, La fonction hégémonique de l'état dans le processus de politisation de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse en Belgique, 1970-1986. Doctoral Thesis, Political Science, Université Libre de Bruxelles, academic year 1985-86.

Judith Bloomfield, Fascism in Communist Thought: the Policy and Practice of the Communist Party in Italy 1921-6. Ph.D. Dissertation, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, London

Carl Dyke, Antonio Gramsci. The Social Psychology of Revolution, Ph. D. dissertation in progress, University of California, San Diego.

(The author has sent the following description: «The dissertation ... may loosely be described as a critical/historical evaluation of Marxist revolutionary theory, conducted through a comparison of Gramsci with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber. I will argue that at the beginning of the 20th century Marxism was a revolutionary theory without a theory of revolution; that is, that it was unable to examine and account for collective behaviors which did not fit a limited set of rationalist presuppostions. Several Marxist theorists at this time have been identified as attempting to re-inject the element of 'subjectivity' into the theoretical mix, chief among them Gramsci and Lukács. My argument relies on rejecting the comparison of these two figures, as it conceals the novelty and promise of Gramsci's approach by automatically re-consigning him to the philosophical lucubrations of the Hegelian tradition. Instead, Gramsci's studies of the southern Italian peasantry, of the influence of the church and of intellectuals on the formation of collective consciousness, his interest in common sense and its relationship to 'good sense,' and his famous thoughts on the formation and articulation of hegemony all point to a substantively different way of examining collective behavior. In its sensitivity to patterns of behavior which might be described as irrational or non-rational, Gramsci's theory approaches the key sociological insight of the period around the turn of the century, and his work and its contribution to the maturation of Marxism and social theory in general is illuminated by comparison with other sophisticated social theorists of his era.») [END PAGE 14]


André Tosel has informed us that at present the Italian studies institutes at Parisian universities have the best materials for Gramsci studies. The Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, also has materials.

Luciano Canfora has called attention to the library of the Dipartimento di Storia e Scienze sociali dell'Università di Bari (Palazzo Ateneo, Piazza Umberto).

Dora Kanoussi has pointed to the collection on Gramsci at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Centro «Gramsci» of the Universidad Autónoma of Puebla, Mexico, Dir. Dora Kanoussi.


Stephen Shapiro has created an installation about Gramsci which was exhibited at Progressive Culture Works Gallery in Jersey City, New Jersey, U.S.A. from September 19 - October 31, 1992 and which is described in the accompanying catalogue for the show entitled Catholicism.

A. K. Bierman is preparing an English translation of Gramsci e Machiavelli by Federico Sanguineti.   ^ return to top ^ < prev | toc | next >