International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 7 (May, 1997): 4 < prev | toc | next >  

Gramsci Piano Competition in Sardegna

At the beginning of November 1996 at Cagliari, the Associazione Suoni & Pause held the Third Premio Gramsci di Pianoforte for young musicians. The jury was composed of its Russian chairman, the musicologist Valerii Voskoboinikov, the Egyptian pianist Ramzi Yassa, and the Armenian duo Haik Davtian (violin) and Arthur Abaronian (pianoforte). The three day competition was opened by talks about Gramsci and education (Aldo Accardo, Univ. of Cagliari), and Gramsci and the concept of national-popular in the arts (Derek Boothman, Univ. of Perugia), while recitals were given by the musicians.   ^ return to top ^ < prev | toc | next >