International Gramsci Society Newsletter
Number 9 (March, 1999): 46-57 < prev | tofc | next >  

Gramsci Bibliography: Recent Publications

During the past year a number of publications related to Gramsci have been sent to us or brought to our attention by members of the International Gramsci Society. We are providing here a description of these publications. See also the bibliographical update by Guido Liguori in a separate section of this issue.

José Mario Angeli. Gramsci. Globalização e pós-moderno. Estudos de filosofia política. Londrina: Editora UEL, 1998.

This slim volume contains four essays that deal with major aspects of Gramsci's thought and an additional essay on globalization and postmodernism.



I. Marxismo de Antonio Gramsci: Orientação historicista e historicidade dos fatos sociais

II. As mudanças no mundo do trabalho, educação e organização da classe subalterna em Gramsci

III. "A questão meridional" de Antonio Gramsci: elementos emergentes para uma geografia política

IV. Integração e Gramsci: pela recuperação da idéia política

V. Globalização e pós-moderno

Alberto Aggio (ed.). Gramsci. A vitalidade de um pensamento. São Paolo: Editora UNESP, 1998.

In May 1997, the university of São Paolo hosted a conference at Campus de Franca to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Gramsci's death. The speakers included several of the leading Gramsci scholars in Brazil whose presentations are collected in this volume.


Leandro Konder: Apresentação

Parte I: Gramsci e a políticas

Carlos Nelson Coutinho: "Socialismo e deomocracia: a actualidade de Gramsci"

Ivete Simionatto: "O social e o político no pensamento de Gramsci"

Marco Aurélio Nogueira: "Gramsci e os desafios de uma política democrática de esquerda"

Marcos Del Roio: "Gramsci contra o Ocidente"

Parte II: Gramsci e os intelectuais [END PAGE 46]

José Luís Bendicho Beired: "A função social dos intelectuais"

Milton Lahuerta: "Gramsci e os intelectuais: entre clérigos, populistas e revolucionários"

Parte III: Gramsci, a America Latina e o Brasil

Alberto Aggio: "A revolução passiva como hipótese interpretativa de história política latino- americana"

José Antonio Segatto: "A presença de Gramsci na política brasileira"

Luiz Werneck Vianna: "Caminhos e descaminhos da revolução passiva à brasileira"

Diana Coben. Radical Heroes: Gramsci, Freire and the Politics of Adult Education. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1998.

This book, Diana Coben explains in her opening chapter, "is intended as a contribution to the development of political theory in the education of adults through an examination of the ideas of two radical heroes of adult education: Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) and Paulo Freire (1921- 1997). Gramsci and Freire are frequently cited in the adult education literature as thinkers whose ideas offer insights into the politics of the education of adults. They are among the top twenty-five most frequently cited authors in the literature of adult education. . . . Gramsci and Freire are also frequenly cited together, an association which implies that their ideas are compatible in some way. But are they? Gramsci was a revolutionary Marxist leader and political thinker, a steadfast opponent of Fascism and ultimately its victim, whereas Freire was an adult educator for whom education was political, a champion of the right to education of oppressed people everywhere, and particularly in the so-called Third World. What significance might the ideas of these two radical heroes have for the development of a radical politics of adult education? This question lies at the heart of this book."


Ch. 1: Radical Heroes in an Age of Uncertainty

Ch. 2: Antonio Gramsci: Politics as Educative

Ch. 3: Paulo Freire: Education as Political

Ch. 4: Gramsci and Freire: Points of Contact and Divergence

Ch. 5: Gramsci and Freire: Apologias, Critiques amd Interpetations

Ch. 6: Gramsci and Freire: Radical Heroes

The book also contains an extensive and extremely useful bibliography, as well as a very thorough index.

Carlos Nelson Coutinho. Gramsci. Um estudo sobre seu pensamento político. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1999.

This is a new, revised, and amplified version of a monograph that was originally published in Brazil in 1981 and subsequently (in Spanish translation) in Mexico in 1986. To the discussion of [END PAGE 47] Gramsci's political thought, already contained in the first edition, Carlos Nelson Coutinho (a vice- president of the IGS and professor of political theory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) has appended three essays which offer an interpretation of Gramsci as an interlocutor of Rousseau e Hegel, a discussion of the continuing relevance of Gramsci's refelctions on the relationship between socialism and democracy, and a detailed examination of Gramsci's reception in Brazil.



Gramsci: um estudo sobre seu pensamento polÌtico

Uma contraditória formação juvenil: 1910-1918

Democracia operária e conselhos de fábrica: 1919-1920

Transição para a maturidade: 1921-1926

Observações metodológicas sobre os Cadernos do cárcere

Teoria "ampliada" do Estado

A estratégia socialista no "Ocidente"

O partido como "intelectual coletivo"

A universalidade de Gramsci

As categorias de Gramsci e a realidade brasileira Apíndices:

Vontade geral e democracia em Rousseau, Hegel e Gramsci

Socialismo e democracia em Gramsci

A recepção de Gramsci no Brasil

Notas bibliográficas

Luciano Fausti. Intelletti in dialogo. Antonio Gramsci e Piero Sraffa. Celleno (VT): La Piccola Editrice, 1998.

This book examines in detail one of the most extraordinary personal and intellectual friendships of the twentieth century. In this book, Luciano Fausti explores all aspects of the relationship between Gramsci and Sraffa. Most of the book is devoted to the communications and occasional meetings between Sraffa and Gramsci during the latter's incarceration, and to the direct and indirect ways in which Sraffa contributed to Gramsci's intellectual labors in prison. The book opens with an account of the origins of their friendship during Gramsci's years in Turin, and their subsequent contacts prior to Gramsci's arrest. Another section, toward the end of the book, deals with Piero Sraffa's role in preserving Gramsci's legacy after his death. No single person, besides Tatiana Schucht, did more than Piero Sraffa to sustain Gramsci during his terrible ordeal. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine how Gramsci's intellectual work, which resulted in the composition prison notebooks, would have been possible without Sraffa's generous help and constant support. [END PAGE 48]


I. I primi anni di un'amicizia

1. La formazione a Torino e i primi incontri

2. Il confronto negli anni venti

II. Gli anni del carcere

1. Una communicazione profonda e molteplice

1.1 Piero soccorre l'amico sul piano pratico

1.2 Il dissenso di Gramsci e la mediazione politica di Sraffa

1.3 La collaborazione culturale

2. Il lavoro gramsciano e la storia degli intellettuali

3. Il decimo canto dell'infrno

4. Il problema della scienza

5. La "Storia d'Europa" e il pensiero di Croce

6. Suggerimenti e discussioni sull'economia 6.1 Keynes e la crisi del '29

6.2 Machiavelli economista

6.3 Ricardo e la filosofia della prassi

6.4 Rodolfo Morandi e la grande industria in Italia

6.5 Le note sull'economia e su "americanismo e fordismo"

7. L'identità degli ebrei, l'antisemitismo e gli ebrei in Italia agli inizi degli anni trenta

8. Dal lavoro solitario dei "Quaderni" alla loro interruzione e alla ripresa del dialogo

9. La dimensione umana di Sraffa

10. Tania e Sraffa interpreti della volontà di Gramsci

III. Gli anni del dopoguerra. Piero Sraffa tra riserbo e testimonianza

IV. Considerazioni conclusive

Uwe Hirschfeld (ed.). Gramsci-Perspectiven. Berlin-Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 1998.

This collection of sixteen essays is drawn from the proceedings of the inaugural conference of the Instituts für Kritische Theorie that was held in Berlin in April 1997. (See Juha Koivitso's report in IGS Newsletter, no. 8.)


Thomas Barfuss: "Insel in der Insel? (Fremdheit und Entfremdung bei Gramsci)"

Bernhard Walpen: "Zur Bedeutung André Phillips für Gramsci. (Gott stellt als fordisierter Arbeiter die Tugenden serienmäßig her)"

Frank Jablonka: "War Gramsci ein Poststrukturalist 'avant la lettre'? (Zum linguistic turn bei Gramsci)" [END PAGE 49

Hartmut Krauss: "Gramscis Beitrag zur Grundlegung einer subjektwissenschaftlichen Perspektive im Marxismus"

Michael Krätke: "Antonio Gramscis Beiträge zu einer kritischen Ökonomie"

Jan Rehmann: "Max Weber gramscianisch gelessen"

Harald: Neubert: "Zum Parteikonzept Antonio Gramscis"

Stefan Bollinger: "Realsozialismus, Hegemonieapparat und Hegemonieverlust. (Gramsci und Ansätze einer kritischen DDR-Geschichtsschriebung)"

Boris Kagarlizkij: "Kompromiß" Bernd Röttger: "Gramsci und die Kritik des hegemonialen Neoliberlismus. (Politische Re- Konstitution des Marktes und neoliberale Erweiterung des Staats)"

Heleno Saña: "Die politisch-ethische Leerstelle im Neoliberalismus"

Christoph Scherrrer: "Neo-gramscianische Interpretationen Internationaler Beziehungen"

Friedrich Tomberg: "Tendenzen zu einer politischen Dreigliederung der Weltgesselschaft"

Uwe Hirschfeld: "Intellektuelle, Kritik und Soziale Arbeit (Definitionsversuche im Auseinandersetzung mit Walzer und Gramsci)"

Fritz Keller: "Kultur & Politik anno 1968 in Österreich (Die Hundeblume blüht selbst in der Regenpfütze)

Otto Zonschitz: "Gramsci und das Theater Brechts"

Dora Kanoussi (ed). Los estudios gramscianos hoy. Mexico D.F.: Plaza y Valdés Editores, 1998

In January 1998, the Gramsci Society of Mexico held an international seminar at the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Gramsci's death. All the papers presented at that seminar are included in this volume, which also contains some of the presentations made at the international conference held in Cagliari in April 1997.


Dora Kanoussi: Introducción

I. La historia

Silvio Pons: "Los estudios sobre Gramsci después de la guerra fría"

Chiara Daniele: "La correspondencia gramsciana y su importancia para le comprensión de la biografía y los Cuadernos"

II. Le teoría

Benedetto Fontana: "El problema del sujeto historíco: hegemonía y politica en Gramsci"

Dora Kanoussi: "La filosofia en los Cuadernos de la cárcel"

Claudia Mancina: "Praxis y pragmatismo: Huellas de James en el pensamiento de Gramsci"

Marcello Montanari: "Crisis del Estado y crisis de la Modernidad: Gramsci y la filosofia politica del siglo XX"

III. Los Cuadernos de la cárcel y la "globalización"

R. W. Cox: "Gramsci y la cuestión de la sociedad civil a fines sel siglo XX" [END PAGE 50]

Stephen Gill: "Gramsci. modernidad y globalización"

Carlos Javier Maya: "De la estatolatría a la mercadolatría" Mario Teló: "Gramsci y el futuro de Occidente"

James Martin. Gramsci's Political Analysis: A Critical Introduction. London & New York: Macmillan & St. Martin's Press, 1998.

As the book jacket states, "Martin places Gramsci in the context of Italy's social and political crises in the first decades of the twentieth century. The Notebooks are then interpreted as a theoretical response to those crises. Three central political themes are examined: the intellectuals, the relation between state and civil society, and the function of the revolutionary party. Finally the uses and limitations of Gramsci's concepts for theorizing state legitimacy and class politics are appraised."

Towards the conclusion of his book, Martin makes his disagreement with the appropriation of Gramsci by poststructuralism explicit in an extensive critical analysis of E. Laclau and C. Mouffe's influential work Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (1985). "Whilst drawing on [Gramsci's] terminology," Martin writes of Laclau and Mouffe, "in certain important respects they have inverted his analysis by stressing plurality over unity, political contingency over economic necessity." Martin's disagreement with Laclau and Mouffe's appropriation of Gramsci, in fact, constitutes only one instance of his broader objection to what he calls "the taken-for-granted relevance" of Gramsci's thought to the socio-political and economic realities of the present time.


Introduction: Reading Gramsci Today

1. Crisis and Response: Gramsci's Analysis, 1915-26

2. Intellectuals and Political Leadership

3. State, Civil Society and the Politics of Consent

4. The Party as the 'Modern Prince'

5. Hegemony and the Legitimation of the State

6. Historicism and Politics: the Problem of Class Analysis

Conclusion: Gramsci and Modernity

Appendix: Italian-English Concordance Table [of Gramsci's Prison Notebooks]

Rocco Paternostro (ed). Antonio Gramsci: Critica Letteraria e Linguistica. Roma: Lithos Editrice, 1998.

This large volume (434 pages) gathers together a vast body of materials necessary for the careful study of Gramsci's writings on literature, literary criticism, and linguistics. The guiding idea that informs this anthological study is succinctly articulated on the book's cover: "Il fine del volume è quello di mostrare come la ricerca gramsciana, pur avendo le sue radici nella grande tradizione [END PAGE 51] storicistica italiana (De Sanctis, sopratutto, e Croce) finisse, proprio per questo, coll'incontrarsi- scontrarsi con essa e, quindi, con l'elaborare--o almeno tentare di elaborare--una critica letteraria e una linguistica d'impronta storico-materialista." The book is divided into four major sections. The opening section contains a number of short extracts from the writings of Marx and Engels on, among other things, historical materialism, structure-superstructure, alienation, humanism, aesthetics, art, literature, and the critical method. Part Two consists of extensive selections from

-- 40 Gramsci's writings on art, lterarture, critical methodology, grammar and linguistics. The third section of the volume comprises a rich selection of writings by scholars and critics on various aspects of Gramsci's literary criticism, his approach to literary history, and his studies of linguistics and grammar. The final section contains, in addition to other valuable materials, an annotated bibliography of other pertinent contributions to the study of Gramsci as a literary critic and linguist.


Pref.: Il senso di un ritorno

Parte I: K. Marx-F. Engels, sull'arte e la letteratura

Cap. 1: Lacerti teorico-filosofici

Cap. 2: Riflessioni sull arte e problemi di metodo critico

Parte II: Antonio Gramsci, critica letteraria e linguistica

Cap. 3: Riflessioni intorno all'arte e alla letteratura

Cap. 4: Per una metodologia critica di pronuncia storico-materialistica

Cap. 5: Appunti sulla linguistica e la grammatica

Parte III: Antologia della critica

Cap. 6. Gramsci metodologo critico e storico della letteratura

Cap. 7: Gramsci e gli studi di linguistica e grammatica

Parte IV: Appendici

Appendice 1: Schede bibliografico-informative

Appendice 2: Breve biografia gramsciana

Bibliografia di testi che non sono inseriti né in antologia né in appendice

Michele Pistillo. Fascismo-Antifascismo, Resistenza. Mussolini-Gramsci. "La guerra civile 1943-1945" di Renzo de Felice. Maduria-Bari-Roma: Piero Lacaita Editore, 1998.

As is evident from the title, this volume constitues a direct intervention in the debate among historians about fascism, anti-fascism and the Resistance in Italy. The book opens with an introductory essay by Luciano Canfora on the historiographical controversy concerning the nature of the Italian anti-fascist Resistance movement. In the the body of his book, Michele Pistillo rebuts [END PAGE 52] recent revisionist currents through a double critique: the first half is devoted to an analysis of the realtion between Gramsci and Mussolini (thus responding to efforts by members of Alleanza Nazionale to appropriate ceratin aspects of Gramsci's thought), while the second half offers an extensive critique of Renzo De Felice's benign treatment of Mussolini (especially in the final volume of his massive biography of Il Duce).

CONTENTS: Introduzione: La Resistenza nella bufera storiografica [by Luciano Canfora]

Cap. I: Mussolini-Gramsci

i. La destra alla ricerca di un'identità culturale

ii. Dal "biennio rosso" al 1926

Cap. II: L'8 settembre: La morte della Patria?

Cap. III: Guerra civile, guerra ai civili, guerra di liberazione

Cap. IV: Una repubblica non necessaria

Cap. V: Tra grandi programmi e la cruda realtà: la fine di Salò

Cap. VI: La storia divisa

Roberto Racinaro & Domenico Taranto (eds.). La tradizione del pensiero democratico nella ricerca di Valentino Gerratana. Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1998.

The main section of this slim volume comprises the three major presentations given at a symposium in honor of Valentino Gerratana that was hosted by the University of Salerno in February 1997. The rest of the volume contains a brief reflection on Valentino Gerratana's critique of Benedetto Croce, followed by a reproduction of the essay (originally published in 1961) in which Gerratana criticized Croce's concept of "liberty"--an essay that elicited a response by Croce and a rebuttal by Gerratana (both of which are also reprinted here). The book also contains a bibliography of Gerratana's writings.


Roberto Racinaro: "Presentazione"

Antonio A. Santucci: "Ancora sulla 'classicità' di Gramsci"

Joseph A. Buttigieg: "Gramscian Philology"

Livio Sichirollo: "Valentino Gerratana. Attualità di una ricerca"

Domenico Taranto: "Valentino Gerratana tra Croce e Gramsci"

Valentino Gerratana: "Il problema della libertà in Croce"

Benedetto Croce: "Scopritori di contradizioni"

Valentino Gerratana: "Postilla a una postilla"

Domenico Taranto: Bibliografia degli scritti di Valentino Gerratana [END PAGE 53]

Jan Rehmann. Max Weber: Modernisierung als passive Revolution. Kontextstudien zu Politik, Philosophie und Religion im Übergang zum Fordismus. Berlin-Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 1998. "Modernization as a Passive Revolution"-- as the title indicates, the investigation is inspired by Gramsci's theory of hegemony. Instead of taking Max Weber's key concepts for granted, as is usual in Western modernization theories, Jan Rehmann deciphers the underlying project of a new bourgeois hegemony in transition to a Fordist society. By locating Weber's writings in the class- constellations of the German Empire, an intellectual mode of production becomes visible, which determines not only his political interventions but also his scientific oeuvre. Throughout his political analyses Weber utters a sharp criticism of a feudal-bourgeois power block in Germany, which is unable to cope with the threat of a rising socialist labour movement. He presents himself as an organic intellectual of an immature bourgeoisie, who has the duty to enlighten it about its true ethico-political origins and interests. Even when he claims to present a value-free investigation, he chooses his scientific ideal types in a way that they serve his project of an ethical class-education. The specific feature (and strength) of his concept of modernization lies in the fact that it anticipates and prepares central characteristics of a Fordist society, especially its pivotal class alliance between a "productive" bourgeoisie and the upper strata of the working class. Weber's modernization is a modernization from above. It represents the most modern methods at this time of a passive revolution, which decapitates the working class of its own ethico-political perspective and integrates it into a long-lasting historical block. As Rehmann's investigation convincingly demonstrates, this hegemonic project is not confined to Weber's political analyses but influences both his philosophical writings and his sociological investigations. The hidden teleology of his scientific oeuvre is the historical block of Fordism.



Teil I: Das Modell des Amerikanismus

1.Webers Amerika-Reise 1904

2. Die ambivalente Faszination des Kapitalismus

3. Taylorismus und Fordismus in den Schlachthöfen

4. Die Verknüpfung von Religion und Gesellschaft

5. Die >Dislokation< der Religion aus dem Staat in die bürgerliche Gesellschaft

6. Die Sekte als Keimzelle eines überlegenen Vergesellschaftungsmodells

Teil II: Umrisse eines fordistischen Modernisierungsprojekts für Deutschland

1. Das Programm der Freiburger Antrittsrede 1895

2. Das kathedersozialistische Umfeld

3. Die imperialistische Kritik an der Agrarklasse [END PAGE 54]

4. Eine homogene Börsenelite mit einheitlichem Ehrbegriff

5. Die Kritik an der >passiven Revolution< in Deutschland

6. Vorschläge zur Entwicklung eines >Cäsarismus ohne Cäsar<

7. Die Integration des modernen Industrieproletariats in die bürgerliche Gesellschaft 8. Die Rückkehr des charismatischen Cäsars in die moderne Politik

Teil III: Von der neukantianischen Wertphilosophie zur Weberschen >Wissenschaftslehre<

1. Entwicklung einer ideologietheoretischen Fragestellung

2. Abbildtheorie und Transzendental-Idealismus--ein erkenntnistheoretisches Rendevous manqué

3. Der Dualismus von gesetzmäßiger >Natur< und wertbestimmter >Kultur<

4. Die >Wertbeziehung< als Trägerin der >Werturteilsfreiheit<

5. Der Abschied vom abstrakt-ideellen Jenseits--Umrisse eines philosophischen Paradigmenwechsels

6. Vom Wertesystem zur >Wertekollision< -- Webers Umbau der neukantianischen Wertphilosophie

7. Webers Wertsphären-Konzept als Modernisierung ideologischer Vergesellschaftung

8. Der blinde Fleck der idealtypischen Begriffsbildung

Teil IV: Die idealtypische Konstruktion eines protestantisch-kapitalistischen Ursprungsgeistes

1. Der politisch-ethische Einsatz einer >rein historischen Darstellung<

2. Die Grundoperation: Isolation der >inneren Eigenart<

3. Vom deutschen Kulturprotestantismus zur anglo-amerikanischen civil religion

4. Weber und Simmel: Die psychologische >Vertiefung< der Marxschen Wertformanalyse

5. Werner Sombarts ><berwindung< des Marxismus

6. Webers Abhebung des >kapitalistischen Geistes< vom Kapitalismus

7. Die Suchmeldung: Kapitalistischer Geist als populare Massenbewegung

The Rivista di Studi Italiani (Anno XVI, n. 1, giugno 1998), contains five articles by prominent Gramsci scolars that are gathered together in a special section under the rubric, "Per Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)":

J.M. Cammett: "The Bibliografia Gramsciana"

R. Finelli: "Sull'identità di storia, politica e filosofia"

B. Fontana: "'What Is Truth?' Modernity and Hegemony in Gramsci"

F. Rosengarten: "From 'Plowman' to 'Fertilizer' of History: Gramsci as General Secertary of the Communist Party of Italy"

A. A. Santucci: "Gramsic oggi: 'Verità' e 'Grande politica'" The Rumanian journal, Societate & Cultura. Noua Alternativa (no. 42-43; May-June 1997), published two articles to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Gramsci's death:

Giorgio Baratta: "Gramsci printre noi: Hall, Said, Balibar" [END PAGE 55]

Gheorghe Lencan Stoica: "Antonio Gramsci din nou în actualitate"

Debbie Hill. "Neo-Liberalism and Hegemony Revisited" in Educational Philosophy and Theory; vol. 30, no. 1 (1998), pp. 69-83

The question addressed in this article is, to what extent is the Gramscian concept of hegemony an effective concept for analysing the New Right phenomenon? The evidence presented strongly endorses the thesis that there has been a concerted attempt by New Right ideologues to deliberately engineer a global neo-liberal counter-hegemony through a sustained campaign of popular and permanent cultural persuasion. A distinction is also drawn between 'ideological' as opposed to 'cultural' hegemony. The paper ends by endorsing the compatibility and merits of a Gramscian/Foucauldian theoretical alliance for comprehending the nature of politics and power in contemporary first world settings.

Peter Ives. "A Grammatical Introduction to Gramsci's Political Theory" in Rethinking Marxism. Vol. 10, No. 1 (1998), pp. 34-51.

This article describes Gramsci's answers to the question of what grammar is. "The example," Ives says, "at the grammatical level of the sentence cannot be divorced from larger questions and functions, whether philosophical, sociological, or cultural." This is one part of Gramsci's approach to language. The second lies in Gramsci's development of the terms "immanent grammar" and "spontaneous grammar."

Harald Neubert. "Antonio Gramsci--Philosophie der Praxis" in Sozialismus, 1/1997, pp. 29-33

This essay offers an analysis--prompted by the publication of the seventh volume of the German edition of the Prison Notebooks--of Gramsci's understanding of "praxis".

Harald Neubert. "Die publizistischen Aktivitäten und theoretischen Leistungen Antonio Gramscis" in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, 2/1997, pp. 93-107

A survey of and commentary on publications of Gramsci's writings in Italy and Germany.

E. San Juan, Jr. "Antonio Gramsci über Surrealismus und die Avantgarde" in the Austrian journal, Weg und Ziel, no. 2 (May 1997), pp. 4-10.

Tomihisa Suzuki has published an article, "Update of Studies on Gramsci and Further Issues" in Japanese in the St. Andrew's University Sociological Review, vol. 31, no. 1 (1997), pp. 15-49

This article examines works on Gramsci written in and translated into Japanese from April 1995 through 1997. In his concluding remarks the author states: "It is important to clarify relations betwen Gramsci and Marx, and the [END PAGE 56] relations between Gramsci and liberalism . . .To achieve this purpose, it is most urgent to research further into the Notebooks and to analyze in depth the principles and methodology of Gramsci's thought." A recent publication that uses Gramsci's notes on intellectuals as a frame for its general argument is David Lloyd and Paul Thomas's Culture and the State (NY & London: Routledge, 1998).

Taking the state in England as their primary example, Lloyd and Thomas argue that culture, and especially education, has been integral to the consolidation of state power at the expense of potent alternatives like, for example, radical democracy. In a framing section for the book's position, Lloyd and Thomas take on board some of Gramsci's thinking and incorporate it, while at the same time distancing themselves from certain key elements. Most interesting for Gramsci scholars is their "dissatisfaction with Gramsci's seminal and misleading distinction" between the traditional and organic intellectual. "While there is much . . . with which we can agree," they claim, "the counterposition of the category of 'traditional' to that of 'organic' intellectuals raises nagging doubts--doubts that, we must say, are little allayed by the reluctance of commentators on Gramsci to interrogate the distinction in question." Their argument is, in essence, that putative traditional intellectuals are as class-organic as "organic" intellectuals.


In the last issue of the IGS Newsletter we failed to point out that Mario Alighiero Manacorda's Principio educativo in Gramsci was co-translated into Japanese by Koichi Ohara AND Yukiko Ueno. We apologise to Ms. Ueno for the oversight.

The book-review, "Gli scritti di Eugenio Garin su Gramsci", published in the last issue of the IGS Newsletter, was wrongly attributed to Guido Liguori. The author of the review, which originally appeared in Critica marxista (no. 1/1998), is Lelio La Porta. We apologise to Mr. La Porta for the error which we deeply regret.   ^ return to top ^ < prev | tofc | next >