Pre-Prison Writings Index: Selections from Political Writings, 1910-1920

Selections from Political Writings, 1910-1920 (Q. Hoare, Ed. and J. Mathews, Trans.). London: Lawrence and Wishart; & Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977.

Sort By: Date | Article Title | AGR | HPC | MP | PPW | SCW | SPW-1 | SPW-2 | SQ | SI | T1920

Article Title Date Pages
Oppressed and Oppressors 1-Nov-1910 SPW-1: 3-5
Active and Operative Neutrality (Active and Functional Neutrality) 31-Oct-1914 SPW-1: 6-9
Socialism and Culture 29-Jan-1916 SPW-1: 10-13
14 July 15-Jul-1916 SPW-1: 14
A Veterinary Surgeon On Film 4-Aug-1916 SPW-1: 15-16
Indifference 26-Aug-1916 SPW-1: 17-18
Remembering the History of the Cotton-Workers’ Struggle 9-Dec-1916 SPW-1: 19-24
Men or Machines? 24-Dec-1916 SPW-1: 25-27
Notes on the Russian Revolution 29-Apr-1917 SPW-1: 28-30
The Russian Maximalists 28-Jul-1917 SPW-1: 31-33
The Revolution Against Capital 24-Dec-1917 Avanti!
Il Grido del Popolo
SPW-1: 34-37
Class Intransigence and Italian History 18-May-1918 SPW-1: 38-47
The Russian Utopia 25-Jul-1918 Avanti! 
Il Grido del Popolo
SPW-1: 48-55
Our Obligation to be Strong 25-Nov-1918 SPW-1: 56-58
The War in the Colonies 7-Jun-1919 SPW-1: 59-60
The Revolutionary Tide 14-Jun-1919 SPW-1: 61
Workers’ Democracy (in collaboration with Palmiro Togliatti) 21-Jun-1919 SPW-1: 65-68
The Return to Freedom 26-Jun-1919 SPW-1: 69-72
The Conquest of the State 12-Jul-1919 SPW-1: 73-78
Towards the Communist International 26-Jul-1919 SPW-1: 79-82
Workers and Peasants 2-Aug-1919 SPW-1: 83-87
Electoralism 23-Aug-1919 SPW-1: 88
The Development of the Revolution 13-Sep-1919 SPW-1: 89-93
To the Workshop Delegates of the Fiat Centro and Brevetti Plants 13-Sep-1919 SPW-1: 94-97
Unions and Councils 11-Oct-1919 SPW-1: 98-102
The Trade Unions and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat 25-Oct-1919 SPW-1: 103-108
Syndicalism and the Councils 8-Nov-1919 SPW-1: 109-113
Revolutionaries and the Elections 15-Nov-1919 SPW-1: 127-129
The Problem of Power 29-Nov-1919 SPW-1: 130-134
The Events of December 2-3 (in collaboration with Palmiro Togliatti) 12/6-13/1919 SPW-1: 135-141
The Party and the Revolution 27-Dec-1919 SPW-1: 142-146
Workers and Peasants 3-Jan-1920 SPW-1: 147-149
The Historical Role of the Cities 17-Jan-1919 SPW-1: 150-153
First: Renew the Party 24-31-Jan-1920 SPW-1: 154-157
Action Programme of the Turin Socialist Section 24-31-Jan-1920 SPW-1: 158-161
The Instruments of Labor 14-Feb-1920 SPW-1: 162-166
Governing Party and Governing Class 28-Feb–6-Mar-1920 SPW-1: 167-172
Proletarian Unity 28-Feb–6-Mar-1920 SPW-1: 173-178
The Problem of Force (The Question of Force) 26-Mar-1920 SPW-1: 179-181
Turin and Italy 3-Apr-1920 SPW-1: 182-184
Address to the Anarchists 3-10-Apr-1920 SPW-1: 185-189
Towards a Renewal of the Socialist Party 8-May-1920 SPW-1: 190-196
The Tasca Report and the Congress of the Turin Chamber of Labour 5-Jun-1920 SPW-1: 255-259
The Factory Council 5-Jun-1920 SPW-1: 260-264
Unions and Councils 12-Jun-1920 SPW-1: 265-268
The Programme of L’Ordine Nuovo (Part I) 14-Aug-1920 SPW-1: 291-294
The Programme of L’Ordine Nuovo (Part II) 28-Aug-1920 SPW-1: 294-298
The Colonial Populations 26-Jun-1920 SPW-1: 301-304
Two Revolutions 3-Jul-1920 SPW-1: 305-309
The Turn Factory Councils (The Turin Factory Councils Movement) 1-Jul-1920 SPW-1: 310-320
Editorial: August 21, 1920 21-Aug-1920 SPW-1: 321-322
What do We Mean by Demagogy? 29-Aug-1920 SPW-1: 323-325
The Occupation 2-Sep-1920 SPW-1: 326-329
The Communist Party (Part I) 4-Sep-1920 SPW-1: 330-334
The Communist Party (Part II) 9-Oct-1920 SPW-1: 334-339
Red Sunday 5-Sep-1920 SPW-1: 340-343
Five Months Later 14-Sep-1920 SPW-1: 344-346
Political Capacity 24-Sep-1920 SPW-1: 347-349
Editorial: 10/9/1920 9-Oct-1920 SPW-1: 350-351
Reaction 17-Oct-1920 SPW-1: 352-355
Predictions 19-Oct-1920 SPW-1: 356-359
What is Reaction? 24-Nov-1920 SPW-1: 360-362
Split or Ruin? 11-18-Dec-1920 SPW-1: 363-365
Editorial: 12/24/1920 24-Dec-1920 SPW-1: 366-367
The Workers’ State 1-Jan-1921 SPW-1: 368-371
The Monkey People 2-Jan-1921 SPW-1: 372-374
The Livorno Congress 13-Jan-1921 SPW-1: 375-377

Sort By: Date | Article Title | AGR | HPC | MP | PPW | SCW | SPW-1 | SPW-2 | SQ | SI | T1920

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Edited by Marcus E. Green
Last Revised: June 27, 2019